Because grown ups don’t get enough creative play time.
collaboARTive programs to inspire creative play.
Collage and Connect
This is a time to sit quietly, work new parts of your brain, and see things in a different way with people from across the globe. Together we share an hour of collage making.
Open Studio
A night of community, conversation, and creativity, designed to share ideas and supplies. We invite everyone to make friends and make art in a relaxed and welcoming studio space.
Noche de Arte
Miami Artists featured in Miami’s luxury hotels, breaking down the barriers between artist and viewer. In partnership with InterContinental Miami, Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau and Miami DDA.
Drawing on Discovery
Part of an ongoing series of events focused on art fundamentals, collaboARTive offers drawing on discovery with Sebastian Restrepo. Each month, Seb explores a different aspect of art making.
Life is short, and time is fleeting.
collaboARTive Creative Play Programming is created to remind you to stop and take a few moments to tap into your creativity and make something, anything.
No rules, no judgment - quiet down the inner self-critic and PLAY.